Get in touch

I'd love to hear from you! Contact me for order requests, exclusive collection inquiries, or information on upcoming workshops. Thank you!

244 South Bank Drive
Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 1M7

Graceful + Architectural + Whimsical + Functional. Fine porcelain and stoneware ceramics, designed and created by hand on Salt Spring Island

In the News

In the News!

media coverage & other fun stuff


June 2020: A lovely article about my workshops in local Salt Spring zine, Saltine.

23 December 2016: So pleased to be interviewed by Creators Vancouver. Check it out!


29 March 2016: It was such a treat to have Cheryl Mackay from CBC's North by Northwest visit the studio and talk clay! Listen to our conversation here.

2 March 2016: A shout out from one of my favourite magazines, Uppercase! Yaas!